I Samine Niazi Moghadam (born May 7th, 2004) am an Iranian web designer, SEO specialist, and social media/web content writer. Often described as the tech expert of Kaktustech Group. Started my professional journey with social media management and then grew more in the digital market area. I most likely describe myself as a junior creativity developer.

If you’re here for just a professional resume, please scroll down and ignore the next part.

As a 7-year-old kid, I wanted to be a doctor like almost everyone. Then over the years that dream changed into being an actress, designer, architect and then again a doctor.

At the end of high school, I went for a social media management internship at kaktustech. A few months after getting accepted, I started SEO and web design.

Everything happening in those few months after high school changed my path and dropped the dream of being a doctor with a different goal.

At this point, there are a lot of job titles that might get tagged on me but what I'd like the most is a business strategist or developer.


WordPress 87%
Content writing 79%
SEO 70%


I’m 1.5 year into learning about and working in the digital market area. So I might be able to help you with such things as SEO, web design, social media management and marketing.

I have experience in professional web and social media content creation. Therefore I can help you with creating SEO-friendly content, content planning and management.

Ever since the 2020 pandemic, I started making DIY clothes and that led to nourishing my tailoring skills. Hopefully, soon I’ll start a small business using this skill…

get in touch

you can use the form ahead, without bothering yourself using other platforms. but if you message me through my social media you'll be able to reach me sooner.